Registering/Nominating for the Archive

Submission Form

Name or Artist's Name

We are currently archiving artists 16+ in age, see the "about" section to learn more on this.

Do you primarily create in the Edmonton Area?

10 + 15 =

After you Submit…

Once an identity is set up on MuchArt artists will be sent a link and password for their profile. You do not need to monitor this account if you don’t need the hassle but it will allow you to control and update your images and bio. If deleting an account or having issues please contact [email protected]. We would like to keep your art profile for prosperity but let us know your thoughts if wanting it removed.

What does registering on this site mean?

You can register/login through the button at the very top or while you click on a piece of art you would like to purchase.

Once you have registered you are given your own account which helps you track all your purchases and necessary info.  From there you can then even apply as an artist for within this site if that is your goal.

Registering on this site isn’t necessary until you wish to purchase art, and your registration allows us to stay in touch and ensure things go smoothly throughout transactions.  Your information will not be used for spam or product broadcasting unless you personally ask an artist to let you know what they’re up to or if they’re showing somewhere.

Applying as an Artist:

Details & Eligibility

Applying as an artist is as simple as clicking an extra button after you have  registered. If you have already registered, you can find the button for getting an artist account in the top section of your account. After paying a one time membership fee of $25 (unless you have a coupon) you can get an artist account for life and you will be contacted by email in order to share a bit of your portfolio.

Eligibility is pretty simple, the only requirement being that your portfolio demonstrates dedication to your craft, and the desire to improve and continue your practice. You may share as many of your works as you wish to show or sell. Next, we will set up a meet to talk about what goes into making the best of MuchArt and how the process works, following which you will become responsible for your account and business relationships. MuchArt also takes 5% commission on all sales which goes towards the cost of running the space. In the event your current art practice does not meet the requirements of the community, you will be rebated 50% of your membership application fee.

MuchArt will be updated as best it can according to the needs of your practice, including new search categories or profile descriptions based on your needs.  Feel free to use the [contact] form for general inquiries before applying as an artist!

To apply/register as an artist within this gallery site, please click the extra button indicating such while creating your account.  A special notification will be sent to us and we can get the process started.

Need to know more?

Take a look at our [about] page to learn more about MuchArtSoLove’s purpose.  If you need further info or have some more questions, again, just shoot a question at us through the contact page.

Want to ask a question?

Contact Us Here!

MuchArt is currently centered in Edmonton, AB and can largely address questions concerning this metropolitan area. We’ll try our best to address any concerns or questions. Fire us an email using the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can: